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Conten Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and hold a group of people by making and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and different media.

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and hold a group of people by making and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and different media. This methodology sets up ability, promotes brand awareness, and keeps your business top of mind when it's an ideal opportunity to purchase what you sell.

In other words content marketing is the development & sharing of relevant, useful content, blogs, articles, newsletters, white papers, social media posts, videos, audios & images to the potential customers. When content marketing is done with strategy, this content conveys expertise and explains clearly that company values the people to whom it sell products & services.

Why is a content marketing strategy important?

Creating Content Strategy that is fit to your particular business and interest audiences is the way you stay consistent with your brand and make marketing materials as successful as could really be expected. Assess each resource for the worth it adds to the strategy overall, and then, make changes on a case by case basis. A 360-degree content marketing strategy educates clients, supports prospects close sales.

Types of Content Marketing

Content marketing arrangements can change frequently dependent on client expectation and client demands. As websites and social feeds become more responsive and modern, they're ready to have more powerful document formats, allowing marketers more opportunity to reinvent the wheel.

Broadly speaking content fits into 5 buckets. They are described as follow

Written Content – Written contents are blogs, articles, product descriptions, press releases, landing pages, FAQs, email copy, Ad Copy, eBooks, White Papers & Case Studies.            

Videos Content - Videos content includes video blogs, studio productions, on location videos, Vox Pops, videos interviews or testimonials, Animation, web demos, product demos, corporate promos, event footage, GIFs, virtual & argument reality.

Graphics Content - In this category of content, graphical contents like info graphics, custom illustrations, calls to action, content formation, wire frames & site mock-ups.

Social Media Content - Social media contents are the content that are engage able on social media like user engagement content, hash tag campaigns, complementary social posts, quizzes, polls/surveys & contests.

Audio Content – When we promote services & products with help of audios then it comes under audio content. These are podcasts, webinars, records interviews etc.

Benefits Of Content Marketing

According to Hubspot, content marketers who prioritize blogging efforts are 13X much more likely to see Positive ROI than folks who don’t. And in step with Kapost, organizations that engage in content marketing seize 7.8X extra organic visitors than those who don’t. Furthermore, Demand Metric states that content marketing generates 3X the leads, however expenses 62% less than different digital marketing channels.

Top Benefits of Content Marketing Are -

1 – Boost SEO & Traffic

Anyone who’s serious about inbound marketing is aware of you can’t win at SEO without a killer content strategy. In truth, powerful content creation is the base of organic search, and the best way to drive more website site visitors. Additionally, back links from high-authority websites and blogs boost Google’s trust in your site.

2-Establish E-A-T

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness & Trustworthiness. One of the benefits of content marketing is establishing these qualities. The concept comes from Google’s Search Quality ratter recommendations and it became widely known after the notorious Medic Update in August 2018.

3. Create Brand Awareness

 Whether a person encounters your content within the SERPs, an industry aid, or a link from a known person, they encounter it. Then they share it and others encounter it. And before you comprehend it, you have a brand new army of brand advocates. In this ways we can say that Content creates awareness of brands over internet.

4- Connect With Your Audience Through Multiple Learning Formats

Your Potential clients all have unique requirements, and there’s now not a universal formats that suits every need right away. Some humans are visual beginners, whilst others prefer to examine, few likes bullet point while some likes videos. One of the benefits of content marketing?  Keeping your voice and values consistent at some point of while flexibly providing formats that meet many distinct consumers need. These contents may be blog posts, infographics, Whitepapers, Podcast, Webinar, Videos, and Emails etc.

5- Boost Your Social Media Engagement and PR Results

 When a visitor lands on a piece of content material on your website online and gets it beneficial, smart, touching, powerful, or enjoyable, they become one more possible advocate for your brand. Those folks who convert to brand advocates are transformative for your marketing ROI.

Once you create a brand advocate, that person will follow you on social media and truly interact with your brand & business. They’ll like & share your content with their friends and make recommendations. And they’ll lend their voices to amplify yours.

These brand advocates wouldn’t be possible without extremely good content material. They can’t share your content material and help your emblem build an army of fans if they have nothing to connect with in the first place.

When you have a content marketing plan? That army of advocates doesn’t simply take place at the grassroots degree. Your PR strategy can work hand in hand along with your content strategy so the quality of your content material gets a spotlight. High-authority blogs and publications are thirsty for information to share. When your content delivers that offers that information, they'll reference it.

6- Support Your Audience Throughout The Conversion Funnel

Content marketing and search engine optimization are particular in their capacity to goal each of the conversion funnel stages: focus, consideration, or selection. It doesn’t matter in which your customer is of their journey or what they’re looking for. You can produce the content that addresses their wishes at the suitable time they could locate it most valuable.

7- Improve Conversion Rates with Demand Gen

 A web page with a low conversion rate is like someone pouring water into a leaky bucket. They’re operating very hard while so much can be performed with the aid of solving the bucket!

Whether your conversion rate is low, average, or high, strategically boosting it's far usually the suitable idea. Assuming you don’t have a catastrophically weird website design or UX issues, the nice way to do this is by means of leveraging the advantages of content material advertising and marketing via call for generation techniques.

8- Boost Lead Generation

Top-of-the-funnel content is ideally fitted to B2B lead technology as it captures clients early on and movements them down the sales funnel. In reality, relevant content material is one of the best nurturing tools to be had for longer sales cycles. That’s as it maintains people engaged and moves them via the consumer’s Journey.

9- Build Brand Affinity And Loyalty

When your logo steps in to provide the exact content material your purchaser needs at exactly the proper time? It’s a little bit like having that kind of courting along with your customer. You help each customer finish their sentences, occasionally providing extra data they didn’t even recognise they wished. Your precious content offers your visitor a set of tools to use as they navigate their interest or pain point. It may even arm them with a story to inform about it.

Related Services

Pay Per Click(PPC)

Pay-per-click is one of the most effective and result oriented methods for generating leads online and bringing instant traffic to the website. It is also called Paid Advertisement.


Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the promotion of our websites to appear in major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing in natural or organic search results. 

Email Marketing

Studies from Adobe estimates that millennial spend approximately 6.4 hours each day read & engage with their emails. It’s not simply millennial using e-mail. 

Ecommerce SEO

Successful e-commerce companies have prioritized SEO efforts to optimize their websites for Google (and other search engines). 

Video Marketing

Using video as a part of advertising is acquiring a great deal of foothold across all sizes of businesses, including entrepreneurs, medium and small companies.

Conversion Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the act of increasing the percentage of clients who play a desired action on a website. A conversion is the overall term for visitors finishing a site goal.

Application Store Optimization(ASO)

The goal of ASO is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, so searchers can take a specific action: downloading your app. The major app stores are App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android.