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Website Hosting Services

Trendy Spire Media operates in the field of internet web hosting services. Since the company's foundation, our goal has been to create a web hosting provider that provides high-quality services and webspace.

Dedicated and Professional Web hosting Services: Stand out from everyone!

Trendy Spire Media operates in the field of internet web hosting services. Since the company's foundation, our goal has been to create a web hosting provider that provides high-quality services and webspace. We have designed our infrastructure to ensure reliability, speed, and stability. We work daily to maintain this quality standard, employing highly qualified personnel to continuously monitor the servers and provide ongoing assistance to our customers. In this way, we can guarantee a monthly uptime> 99.9% and the resolution of any problem within a few hours ( in most cases a few tens of minutes ) from the request.

We offer four main types of services:

  • Hosting,
  • Semi-dedicated web hosting,
  • Dedicated servers, and
  • Reseller web hosting.

It is possible to upgrade to a higher floor or switch to a lower floor at any time, according to your needs.


We offer two types of hosting plans: Linux and Windows.

Common features on Windows plans: 

  • ASP,, PHP, Perl 5 / CGI support with own folder.
  • Access database and MySQL.

Features common to Linux plans:

  • Language support: ASP (ChiliSoftASP), PHP, Perl 5 / CGI with own folder, Python.
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL databases,
  • Frontpage web hosting
  • JSP and Java Servlet support.

Our Semi-Dedicated Web hosting plans

Our semi-dedicated plans are suitable for websites that need large resources and develop a lot of traffic. Given the small number of semi-dedicated plans for each server, performance is guaranteed.

The semi-dedicated domains can be divided into unlimited domains, so it is also possible to resell the spaces by purchasing additional domains at the price of just registration. For each domain, it will be possible to assign an independent control panel and a certain amount of each resource (disk space, traffic, number of databases, number of mailboxes, etc.)

The semi-dedicated plans are also suitable for individual websites, such as portals, forums, communities, and, in general, websites that generate a lot of traffic.

Dedicated Web hosting

All dedicated servers are located in rooms with a controlled and constant atmosphere. Each dedicated server includes the operating system at three levels (server administrator, customer/reseller, and domain user), allowing you to create domains and configure a certain amount of resources for each domain (disk space, monthly traffic, e-mail boxes, databases, etc.).

RAM upgrades are available that allow you to increase the number of websites hosted. On request, we provide other configurations: Pentium 4, Core 2, Xeon, Dual Xeon based machines with one or more mirrored SCSI hard drives.

You will have access as administrator (root) via SSH on Linux and via remote desktop/terminal services for Windows 2003 servers; this will allow you to modify the configuration of all the software according to your needs and/or to install the software you want. If necessary, you can restart the server remotely or ask us to restart with a hardware reset. You will have 100% control over your dedicated server.

Reseller web hosting

Reseller web hosting is designed for resellers/web agencies or those who need a multidomain fractionable web hosting plan and want to manage their customers in total autonomy. There are two reseller plans:

  • on Linux Server
  • on Windows 2003 server

For the Linux server, we activate new domains and assign a certain number of resources for each of them (MB of web space, e-mail boxes, databases, etc.…). A control panel will be automatically available for each domain created from which the end customer can manage their resources. (Create e-mail boxes, databases, etc.)

Overselling is allowed on our reseller plans (it consists of the possibility of activating accounts whose characteristics exceed the available resources until your limits are reached. In practice, you can also activate 100 accounts of 1 GB of traffic each (for example), as the traffic of 25 GB refers to the total traffic actually generated by all the configured accounts, therefore, until you generate enough traffic to reach this threshold, you can continue to configure new plans)

When the resources of the plan are used up, it is possible to add another one, doubling all the features (web space, monthly traffic, etc.). The reseller will be provided with a basic guide, instructions for creating new domains, configuring them, etc. Trendy Spire Media will contact the reseller's customers; All communications will be sent exclusively to the reseller.

Request a Web hosting service!

Choose one of our web hosting offers and contact us without obligation.