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Web Development

Web development refers to building, creating and maintaining websites. It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management services. There are several methods of creating websites; there is often a trade-off between simplicity and customization. Most of the big organizations have a dedicated Web development team that designs and maintains the company's website(s). Small organizations and individuals are more likely to choose a solution like WordPress, magneto & other CMS solutions that provide a basic website template and simplified editing tools.

Trenedy Spire Media is one of the leading web development companies in India, allow you to present your business with great web presence. We provide web development services according to your needs and budget. We have team of well experienced professionals who are able to develop any type of website with any platform. Our quality web development services make us unique and we are first choice of our clients. Our website development services are-

Front End Development Services

Front end web development is the practice of converting data to a graphical interface, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so that users can view and interact with that data.Our team of expert developers delivers effective front-end development solutions. Smart graphic designs manifest into optimum W3C validated mark-up which prove to be the best solutions. Our team of experienced front-end developers help create user friendly interface based on latest industry trends.

Back End Development Services

Back end Development refers to the server side of development where you are primarily focused on how the site works. This type of web development usually consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database. Code written by back end developers is what communicates the database information to the browser. Back end developer positions are often called programmers or web developers.

Back end developers know front end languages such as HTML and CSS but need to use languages such as Java, PHP, and Ruby on Rails, Python, and .Net to get the back end job done. Back end developers are most focused on a sites responsiveness and speed. These languages are used to create dynamic sites which are different from static sites in that these types of websites store database information. With the help of our experienced back end team we offer back end development services for dynamic sites.

Open Source Platform Development

In general, open source refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. Open source software is usually developed as a public collaboration and made freely available. We customize open source technology by tailoring it to your business needs. IT infrastructure management, deployment and integration are enterprise solutions we offer to all businesses.

E-commerce Development Services

E-commerce, standing for electronic commerce, is the process of a customer shopping online and processing their payment. An e-commerce website allows a visitor to find their product(s), add them to their "cart" and securely enter their payment information to complete the purchase. The standard definition of E-commerce is a commercial transaction which is happened over the internet.

Having an online storefront is one of the most straightforward ways to conduct ecommerce. The merchant creates a website and uses it to sell products and services using shopping carts and ecommerce solutions. The right solution will depend on the merchant and their products. Some of the top ecommerce platforms are Magento, Woocommerce, Drupal, Shopify, Big Commerce & Oracle Commerce. Trendy Spire Media has well professional ecommerce development team to develop any kind of ecommerce website or front store to sell products online on internet.

CMS Development Services

Content Management System (CMS) generally refers to a web based application that empowers various clients with various benefit levels to manage with any type of information, content or data of any website application, projects on the web forum.

The big advantage of a Content Management System (CMS) platform is that you have option to manage with all of your web content without spending much more time and energy energy in back-end development, and should the development need emerge. Our team of specialists is completely trained and prepared to deal with every one of your requirement, including having the option to customize on open-source platform. Technologies we work on CMS are  Joomla, WordPress & Magneto etc.

Custom Web Development Services

Custom website design is significantly more than the color scheme, pictures, and text styles of your site. A custom website design is the way toward learning and understanding about your business, and applying a sound procedure of strategy, client experience, structure execution, programming, and promoting to shape a fruitful online business presence. Every aspect of your site is built explicitly for your organizational objectives. We believe this service is the most significant in making successful digital assets with an exceptionally positive ROI.

Custom web design is important, but custom web development is what allows your site to grow and become more profitable. To find out more about the process of taking your business to the next level over the Internet, why not schedule a free meeting with a member of our team?

Mobile App Development Services

The quickly expanding application revolution has made creative and high quality mobile based applications the huge purpose of consideration for people and businesses around the globe. New companies, huge scale organizations, businesses, and so forth all are reliant on these mobile applications for brand reinforcement, expanding visibility, availability, consistent booking, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. What's more, to make this feasible for our customers, we offer custom application development and counseling services, utilizing the long years of understanding and information in our team of mobile application developers.

At Trendy Spire Media, we offer ideal mobile strategy and solution for cross-platform applications development that ensures greatest development and least project cost. With Trendy Spire Media, you can save app development time, get effective project management, make concentrated code for simple exchanging, and shorten your turnaround time.

Website Designing Services

A website is the impression of a business. In all honesty, it impacts how audience will see your image. Let the group of well designers at Trendy Spire Media make dazzling websites that are a blend of creativity and strategy for your business.

Each business has specific type of objectives and audience. That is the reason we have various designs to meet an assortment of necessities of our customers. Regardless of whether you are an enterprise or startup, our website design services are impeccable to line up with your necessity.

Trendy Spire Media guarantees to offer cutting edge web design services! We are capable at designing responsive, quick loading, and user friendly sites that offer a consistent look and feel across variable web browsers.

Open Source Platform

Your online presence, your website gives your new customers the first impression of your company. Developers, designers and marketers work together to create your website and to solve your internet needs.


E-commerce allows the company to expand into local and international markets with minimal capital investment. E-commerce refers to the exchange of business information without the use of paper.

Mobile Application

With the democratization of data, the explosion of the Smartphone market and the adaptation of our consumption habits to the digital age, including the mobile in its strategy, is now more than ever on the agenda!




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