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Pay Per Click(PPC)

Pay-per-click is one of the most effective and result oriented methods for generating leads online and bringing instant traffic to the website. It is also called Paid Advertisement.


Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-per-click is one of the most effective and result oriented methods for generating leads online and bringing instant traffic to the website. It facilitates the businesses to outreach the huge customer base of the online world. It offers multiple ways to complement and empower your SEO Services and enable you to develop a vigorous marketing strategy in order to accomplish your business goals and drive higher conversion rates within a shorter span. Hence, businesses from different backgrounds are showing higher interest in Pay Per Click (PPC) Services and connecting with their customers online & boosting their online as well as offline sales.

And, Trendy Spire Media holds expertise in using Pay-Per-Click Advertising in the best way possible for the betterment of your business. With our holistic approach, we build advertising campaigns that engage the targeted audience and generate increased traffic for the website. Our panoply of customized PPC Services not only helps you to generate more leads and conversions but also will drive increased ROI for your business.

Search Advertising

Our Google, Bing and Yahoo Ads experts are waiting to drive more leads and business to you. We at SEO Service in India have the experience and the expertise with Search Advertising, Pay Per Click or SEM, to meet your business objectives. Search advertising is one of your most crucial ad channels that generate leads & revenues in very short time span. Digital Marketers use different terms such as Paid Search, SEM, and PPC, etc. for this. Search advertising campaigns drive leads and revenue for the businesses. Trendy Spire Media has the experience and expertise to manage your budget effectively and help you to grow your business online.

Display Advertising

Display advertisings are paid ads that appear in front of users while they are surfing the web. Interested users click on ads, visit your web page & sent query or purchase your products. Display Ads or advertising is said to build brand awareness and trust for your brand, effectively and rapidly. It is also much less invasive than traditional advertising methods, as long as it is displayed with corresponding appropriate content.

Get displayed at the right place to grab attention of the right audiences! We are here to build more recognition, more value and more growth, just for you. Do not wait! Call now to see yourself on GDN, Yahoo, other Ad Networks & leading portals.

Social Media Advertising

We are in an age where more than 70% of consumers expect a brand to have a social media presence. Social media is a platform where sellers & consumer shares same space to explore their ideas. Social media presence increase trust of consumers in your brands or services. But, not just any social media presence consumers expect your brand to have a tailored, cohesive social media strategy.

Almost every business can benefit from social media marketing services. While most companies know they should be using social media to market their business, they do npt know what networks to invest in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc. or how much, and that is where our social media management services step in. Social media management and advertising services of Trendy Spire Media remove the complexity of social media for business owners and let you stick to what you know best running your business!

Shopping (e-Commerce) Advertising

Your ecommerce website is not the only place you can sell your products online! There are many paid search platforms including Google, Bing, Amazon, and more to advertise your products and increase the number of transactions you get from the Web. If you need help with your paid search shopping campaigns, Trendy Spire Media is ready to help. Based on your goals, company size, and other factors, our PPC specialists will make recommendations for how your company can measurably improve your shopping campaigns.

You Tube Advertising

YouTube is the largest video website of the world next to Google, it is the second largest search engine out there. It is time for your business to get on it! Looking to grow your online presence by advertising on YouTube? At Trendy Spire Media, we can help with all aspects of your YouTube marketing services. Trendy Spire Media offers video marketing services for companies in the Delhi NCR & Other regions of India. We will help you with all aspects of video of your company in creation & promotions to grow your business

Mobile Advertising

Mobile Advertisings are the easiest and most cost effective way to connect with the masses! We are here to deliver results on all devices and locations. Grab billions of eyeballs with our mobile ad campaigns. We know the latest, we are the fastest; you just get ready for increased business. Mobile advertising has grown exponentially in India and globally over the past few years with increase in smart phone penetration and data connectivity. With millions of mobile users spending hours per day on surfing the Internet there are billions of impressions available to Advertisers to show their message. Clearly, no advertiser can ignore this medium.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Trendy Spire Media is one of the leading service providers of email marketing in India. We provide the email services of many of our clients and get good feedback for our good quality and impressive response rates. Our tracking, reporting, filters and triggers make us top email marketing services providers in compare to others. Trendy Spire Media is standards for its email and social media marketing and promoting Digital Marketing Service in India. Our priority is to help out our clients and make their business boost with the help of email marketing strategy. Our main focus is to understanding problems of our client and tries to resolve and satisfaction of our customers.

Related Services

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is the promotion of our websites to appear in major Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing in natural or organic search results. 

Conten Marketing

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and hold a group of people by making and sharing relevant articles, videos, podcasts, and different media.

Email Marketing

Studies from Adobe estimates that millennial spend approximately 6.4 hours each day read & engage with their emails. It’s not simply millennial using e-mail. 

Ecommerce SEO

Successful e-commerce companies have prioritized SEO efforts to optimize their websites for Google (and other search engines). 

Video Marketing

Using video as a part of advertising is acquiring a great deal of foothold across all sizes of businesses, including entrepreneurs, medium and small companies.

Conversion Optimization

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the act of increasing the percentage of clients who play a desired action on a website. A conversion is the overall term for visitors finishing a site goal.

Application Store Optimization(ASO)

The goal of ASO is to drive more traffic to your app’s page in the app store, so searchers can take a specific action: downloading your app. The major app stores are App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android.